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Informed Consent Confidentiality Statement (to be signed by each couple AT THE BEGINNING of the first session)
1 copy per couple

Program Assessment
2 copies per couple

Couples Certificate
1 copy per couple


The first 3 videos provide training on how to facilitate a successful group.

TMM Group Leader Training (Part 1 of 3)

TMM Group Leader Training (Part 2 of 3)

TMM Group Leader Training (Part 3 of 3)

The following videos are the lessons for each week. View each video before teaching that week's lessons.

TMM Week 1: Introduction

TMM Week 1 Lesson: A Better Understanding of Your Spouse

TMM Week 2 Lesson: Feelings and Communications Skills

TMM Week 3 Lesson: Understanding and Expressing Anger

TMM Week 4 Lesson: Emotional Maturity

TMM Week 5 Lesson: How to Have a Healthy Disagreement

TMM Week 6 Lesson: The Importance of Forgivness

TMM Week 7 Lesson: When Selfishness Connects With Authority

TMM Week 8 Lesson: Breaking the Vicious Argument Cycle

TMM Week 9 Lesson: Wife's Role As Helper

TMM Week 10 Lesson: Emotional Needs

TMM Week 11 Lesson: Fulfilling Emotional Needs

TMM Week 12 Lesson: Review & Celebrate!